In 2021 we published 22 manuscripts, across a range of therapeutic areas, including rare disease, neurology, allergy, mental health and oncology.
New publication in allergic rhinitis
Sarah Acaster and Siu Hing Lo recently co-authored a paper entitled ‘Burden of allergic rhinitis and impact of MP-AzeFlue from a patient perspective: a pan European patient survey’. The paper reports real-world data from 1004 allergic rhinitis patients across seven European countries. Read more here.
Development of an ambulatory assessment version of the EQ-5D-5L
Andrew Lloyd recently co-authored a paper entitled ‘How to measure fluctuating impairments in people with MS: development of an ambulatory assessment version of the EQ-5D-5L in an exploratory study.’
The paper reports the development of an ambulatory assessment version of the EQ-5D-5L (the EQ-5D-AA), which is designed to capture within-day and day-to-day fluctuations in health. Its feasibility and face validity were established in a sample of patients with multiple sclerosis. The full text is available here.
Dissemination 2020
Take a look at our dissemination from 2020!
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Recent publications in peanut allergy
Acaster Lloyd Consulting researchers, Sarah Acaster and Katy Gallop, have been partnering with Aimmune Therapeutics psychologists, Audrey Dunn-Gavin and Rebecca Knibb, healthcare providers and patient advocacy groups across Europe for the past four years exploring the impact of Peanut Allergy on the health-related quality of life.
We are very pleased that a large-scale (> 100 interviews) pan-European qualitative study of the impact of peanut allergy on adults, teenagers, children and parent/caregivers across eight European countries was selected for a mention in the Editorial of Clinical and Experimental Allergy this month, by editor-in-chief Graham Roberts, along with a replication of the conceptual model. Furthermore, the cover of the journal was developed to reflect the content of the qualitative findings.
To compliment this qualitative work, two burden of illness surveys reporting child and caregiver health-related quality of life in the UK have also recently been published quantifying the impacts highlighted in the qualitative work with validated patient and observer-reported measures.
It’s great to see qualitative work in this field getting such recognition, and this high unmet need being recognised and addressed.
New publication from our ongoing work in postpartum depression (PPD)
The awareness and recognition of PPD, and getting women and families access to treatment, remains critically important. Earlier this year Sarah Acaster co-authored a paper with Sage Therapeutics on the relationship between patient reported outcomes and clinician-reported outcomes used in PPD trials. This new paper applies some of these findings to support the interpretation of data from three clinical trials of brexanolone injection.
The aim was to present clinical trial data in a format more accessible or informative for real-world and shared decision making, including outcomes such as individual patient-level sustained response and number needed to treat. Similar outcomes, also exploring broader symptoms such as sleep and anxiety, have been presented throughout the year at various virtual conferences, based on the treatment’s oral formulation, so look out for more publications in the coming months.
New publication on patient-reported outcomes in postpartum depression
Sarah Acaster recently co-authored a paper entitled ‘Associations between commonly used patient-reported outcome tools in postpartum depression clinical practice and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression’ in the Archives of Women’s Mental Health. The full text is available here.
New publication on the burden of caring for an individual with CTCL
Kate Williams and Andrew Lloyd recently published the paper ‘Health state utilities associated with caring for an individual with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL)’ in the Journal of Medical Economics. The full text is available here.
New publication on the burden of X-linked hypophosphatemia
Siu Hing Lo, Natalia Piglowska and Andrew Lloyd recently co-authored the paper ‘Exploring the burden of X-linked hypophosphatemia: a European multi-country qualitative study’ in Quality of Life Research. The full text is available here.
New Acaster Lloyd Consulting publication on capturing cognitive decline in economic evaluations in MS
Our director Andrew Lloyd recently wrote a commentary entitled “Cognitive decline may not be adequately captured in economic evaluations of multiple sclerosis: are new treatments being undervalued?” in Neurology. The full text is available here.