Sarah has over 15 years’ experience in outcomes research, initially as an academic researcher, and subsequently in a research consultancy role. She led COA teams in the US and Europe working as a Director for ICON Plc and Oxford Outcomes. She established her own consultancy in 2013 in order to reconnect to the research front line and offer bespoke consulting; happily, this led to collaboration with Andrew and the creation of Acaster Lloyd Consulting in 2016.
Sarah’s research and consultancy interests span the entire lifecycle of drug development, from concept scoping to licensing, reimbursement and beyond. As well as her experience in the development, selection and use of COAs, she has particular expertise in utility and preference-based studies, including conjoint analysis, secondary analysis of COA data and more specifically the interpretation of COA data. She is also interested in COA strategy and has provided consultancy to clients in relation to their FDA, EMA and HTA regulatory strategies.
Sarah is an active member of ISPOR and ISOQOL and is regularly involved in teaching workshops related to patient-reported outcome (PRO) development, COA interpretation and utility studies. She is also a co-editor of Value in Health.